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Our capabilities

Consumables Production, Spare Parts Supply, Service and Maintenance

We are a strong supplier of equipment and a wide range of consumables used in laboratories . Because we bring together the highest quality materials with the most advanced technologies.

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First in Turkey!

Peek Fingertight Fitting

It is completely domestic production and can be used in all HPLC devices. Does not require additional ferrule.

Peek Fingertight Fitting

Production Ability

Peek Ingredients

Glass and Plastic Vials

Syringe Filters

Septa and Lids

Spare Parts Supply

HPLC,GC Equipment

All Agilent, Waters spare parts

Autosampler and pump pm parts

Types of detector lamps

Pump, column furnace, autosampler, detector spare parts

Analytical HPLC columns

Service and Maintenance Service

Repair Competence

We provide service to all your HPLC devices with our expert staff. We carry out repairs in order to reduce part replacement and extend the life of the product.

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Analytical equipment preventive maintenance procedures

Spare parts repair operations

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